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Iris classifier with KNN
Iris Classifier is a program that I'm developing to apply basic knowledge on Machine Learning. So I'm using a simple and widely used database called Iris for training and testing. Firstly the software used only MLP, now I implemented KNN, which is working very good. In this post I explain a little about how KNN is working in this base. Read More
May 6, 2017Othello and AI exercises
In my Artificial Intelligence course, I'm getting a good notion on how to model the world to solve some hard problems, and decided to pratice it. From the four exercises, the Othello was the one that I find most challenging at this time of the course. So I decided to make it public for everyone who desires to take a look. Read More
Mar 10, 2017Experimenting a Raspberry
This week I got a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B primarly for a Software Engineering class project, that is the one which I'll be working for the time. I'm planning to build a simple wheater station using some sensors, and upload that data to a server that will process that data to show reports. Read More
Sep 11, 2016About me

Getting it brief
I'm a Computer Engineering. These are my main development interests:
- Robot autonomy algorithms
- Academic Projects
- Free and Open Source Software
- Music software/engineering
Programming languages that I work the most:
- C++
- Python
- Javascript
- Rust (starting...)
Technologies that I'm using:
For the curious
I made this page focused in development and technologies, so I'll not describe a complete (which means life phylosophy, personal opinions, politics, arts) bio about me here. I am an university professor offering lessons for Computer Enginnering and Computer Science courses. My main research focus are robot autonomy through unstructured environments, a.k.a. field robotics, visual servoing and model predictive control. I made this page when I was an undergraduate student and only had time to return posting after completion of the PhD degree. So here I am again.
Iris Classifier
An iris plant classification software based on Marchine Learning. It reads a Iris plant database and classificates entries based on some training in that database. It's currently working with MLP and KNN algoritms. My goal is that someone who is studying supervised learning could read or run this project and clarify the concepts as they are used in pratice.
Converts InkML files received from a Livescribe Smartpen's penlet to image and/or video. RAMOS Ink was build from a research in the Center of Excellence for Social Technologies (NEES). The application is part of a bigger software called RAMOS, which have a more complete set of features to aid researchers in Brazil to study writing processes in real-time.
Lexicanalytics offers a set of functionalities to help linguistics researchers with lexical studies, when they are manipulating and retrieving information from text data.
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